5 Things You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening

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If you have discolored teeth marring the appearance of your smile, then you may want to visit our office for a teeth whitening procedure. Dr. Raymond del Castillo can brighten your tooth color, making your smile look healthier and more beautiful. However, before undergoing this service, there are some things you may want to know beforehand.

  1. There are several whitening options available. Whitening toothpastes remove surface stains, at-home whitening products go a little deeper, and in-office whitening can brighten your smile up to eight shades.
  2. Yellow teeth bleach very well, but brown or gray teeth are more difficult to lighten.
  3. You may experience some sensitivity after whitening your teeth. This happens when peroxide gets through your tooth enamel and reaches the dentin underneath. However, this is only a temporary sensation.
  4. If you have stains on your teeth as a result of injury or medication, then a whitening procedure may not be as effective. Additionally, whitening does not work on crowns, veneers, or fillings.
  5. Too much whitening can damage your tooth and gum tissues, so be sure to follow the instructions of at-home whitening products and ask our dentist if you have questions or concerns.

Call our dentist today to see if you can benefit from a teeth whitening procedure. We are always happy to help.

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