How to Close Black Triangles Between Teeth After Adult Orthodontic Treatment with Bioclear Matrices

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Black triangles, those small gaps or spaces that can appear between your teeth near the gum line, are a common concern for many patients, especially after adult orthodontic treatment. These spaces can be unsightly and may cause food to get trapped, leading to gum irritation or even periodontal issues. Fortunately, there is a highly effective solution available: Bioclear Matrices. In this blog post, we will explore what causes black triangles, why they are common after orthodontic treatment, and how Bioclear Matrices can help close them for a more beautiful and healthy smile.

What Are Black Triangles?

Black triangles, also known as open gingival embrasures, are small gaps that appear between the teeth, usually near the gum line. These spaces occur when the gum tissue does not completely fill the space between the teeth, often resulting from changes in tooth alignment, gum recession or bone loss. The dark space can be particularly noticeable and may affect the aesthetics of your smile.

Why Do Black Triangles Form After Adult Orthodontic Treatment?

Adult orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners, is an excellent way to straighten teeth and correct bite issues. However, after the teeth are moved into their new positions, the gums may not fully adjust, leading to the formation of black triangles. Some common reasons for this include:

  • Tooth Shape: Teeth that are more triangular in shape tend to have more pronounced black triangles because the wider part of the tooth is at the chewing surface, while the narrow part is near the gum line.
  • Gum Recession: As we age, gums naturally recede, exposing more of the tooth surface and leading to black triangles. Orthodontic treatment can sometimes exacerbate this by shifting teeth into new positions.
  • Bone Loss: If there has been any bone loss around the teeth due to gum disease or other factors, it can contribute to the formation of black triangles.

How Bioclear Matrices Can Help Close Black Triangles

Bioclear Matrices offer a modern, minimally invasive solution for closing black triangles and improving the overall appearance of your smile. This innovative technique uses a combination of composite resin and specialized clear matrices to reshape and rebuild the teeth, filling in the gaps without the need for crowns, veneers or extensive dental work.

Key Benefits of Bioclear Matrices:

  1. Aesthetic Improvement: Bioclear Matrices allow for precise reshaping of the teeth, closing black triangles seamlessly and creating a natural, youthful appearance.
  2. Minimally Invasive: Unlike traditional methods that may require removing healthy tooth structure, Bioclear is a conservative approach that preserves your natural teeth. The composite resin is applied directly to the teeth, with no drilling or removal of enamel required.
  3. Durable and Long-Lasting: The composite material used in the Bioclear technique is strong and durable, providing long-lasting results. With proper care, the results can last for many years.
  4. Customizable: Bioclear Matrices are highly customizable, allowing the dentist to tailor the treatment to your specific needs. The clear matrices used during the procedure help ensure that the resin is applied smoothly and evenly for optimal results.
  5. Immediate Results: One of the most appealing aspects of the Bioclear technique is that you can see the results immediately after treatment. In just one appointment, your black triangles can be closed, and your smile significantly improved.

The Bioclear Procedure: What to Expect

The Bioclear procedure is typically completed in a single dental visit. Here is what you can expect:

  1. Consultation and Evaluation: Your dentist will first evaluate your teeth and gums to determine if Bioclear is the right solution for you. They will discuss your goals and explain the procedure in detail.
  2. Tooth Preparation: Unlike traditional methods, Bioclear requires minimal preparation. The teeth will be cleaned, and any surface stains or debris will be removed to ensure a strong bond between the resin and the tooth.
  3. Application of Bioclear Matrices: The clear matrices are placed around the teeth, shaping the composite resin as it is applied. The dentist will carefully layer the resin to close the black triangles and create a smooth, natural contour.
  4. Polishing and Finishing: Once the resin has been applied and cured, the teeth will be polished to a high shine, blending the composite seamlessly with your natural teeth.
  5. Aftercare: After the procedure, your dentist will provide you with instructions on how to care for your new smile. Regular brushing, flossing and dental check-ups will help maintain the results.


Closing black triangles between teeth after adult orthodontic treatment is not just about improving the aesthetics of your smile—it is also about maintaining your oral health. Bioclear Matrices offer a cutting-edge, minimally invasive solution that delivers immediate and long-lasting results. If you are concerned about black triangles or other gaps in your smile, consult with your dentist to see if Bioclear Matrices are right for you.

A beautiful, complete smile is within reach, and with Bioclear, you can achieve it without extensive dental work. Say goodbye to black triangles and hello to a smile you will love showing off!


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