A Lost Tooth Can Often Be Replaced with a Dental Bridge

An accident or injury can sometimes knock a tooth out of its socket. In many of these cases the damage to the tooth and the socket structure is so severe that it cannot be treated by endodontic therapy. In a situation like this Dr. Raymond del Castillo will suture your gums and prescribe some pain management medication. This will help... read more »

Root Canal Therapies to Save Teeth

Root canals are therapies used to save dying teeth. When a tooth is damaged, and the pulp is exposed, root canals must be used. If not, the tooth will have to be extracted. Listed below are some guidelines concerning root canal therapies: - As is the case with most health care services, multiple treatments for a single tooth will eventually... read more »

Cosmetic Dentistry Might Be Able to Correct Surface Stains

The surfaces of your teeth are covered with microscopic pores that extend deep into the tooth enamel. When you consume certain foods or drink dark beverages, it can allow dental stains to gradually develop on your smile. This is even more likely to be a problem if you use tobacco products. At first, you might be tempted to try using... read more »

Upgrade Your Summer Smile with a Set of Dental Veneers

Upgrade your summer smile with a set of dental veneers. Dental veneers are highly advanced cosmetic dentistry techniques designed to vastly improve the look of your teeth by placing a small, customizable shell on the fronts of teeth for an enhanced appearance of your smile. Dental veneers can be used for a single tooth that looks out of place or... read more »

Treat Your Smile to Instant Relief with CEREC® Dental Crowns

Treat your smile to instant relief with CEREC® dental crowns. With CEREC technology, your dentist can take a dental impression of your damaged tooth and have a CEREC crown altered, shaped, sized, and colored on a computer to be milled the very same day, thus ensuring the possibility to have fast-acting relief when you need it without having to wait... read more »

Your Oral Hygiene Checklist When Traveling

As the weather warms, people are traveling to and fro, seeing all the amazing sites the world has to offer. If you’re one of these people, Dr. Raymond del Castillo and our dental team hope you have the greatest time! Our only wish would be for you to take good care of your smile while you’re taking your adventures. The... read more »

A Tooth Suffering from Dental Attrition Might Need a Dental Crown

As the years go by, minor alignment issues can develop, altering the angle of one or two of your teeth and making them meet improperly in your bite pattern. At first, this aberration in your dentition is minor and might even go without notice. Over time, it’s possible for one tooth to cause excess wear and tear on another. This... read more »

What Type of Mouthwash Is Right For You?

Many commercials advertise that certain types of antiseptic mouthwash can be just as effective at cleaning bacteria and food particles from between your teeth as flossing. While mouthwash is a popular form of oral care in many homes, it is to be used complementary to flossing, When it comes to cleaning between your teeth and the gum line, flossing is... read more »

Have a Sensitive Tooth? There Are Many Treatments Available

Having a dental sensitivity can impact a person’s enjoyment of the finer things in life, such as a great cup of coffee or a bowl of ice cream on a warm summer day. If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from a dental sensitivity you should know that there are reasons for your pain. Some conditions... read more »

Preventing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Would you be surprised to hear that cavities are quite common in adults? You see, studies have found that nearly every other American adult over 30 has some kind of tooth decay. Luckily, there are steps you can take to avoid tooth decay altogether. Still, did you know that it’s also important for you to help your child avoid tooth... read more »

Are You Ready to Start Your New Dental Journey