What You Need to Know About Your Teeth and Chewing Tobacco

You probably know that using tobacco can lead to serious problems like heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer, but do you know what happens to your teeth when you use tobacco products? You probably know about some of the common problems caused tobacco use. For instance, you probably know that individuals who smoke tend to struggle with bad breath and... read more »

Foods That Will Help Your Smile

You’ve probably heard that there are several foods and drinks you should avoid. For instance, how many times have you heard that you should stay away from sugar and soda? Conversely, how many times have you been told about the foods you should eat? Unfortunately, people tend to focus on the foods you should avoid rather than the foods you... read more »

How Do Cavities Grow In Your Smile?

Tooth decay. Dental Caries. Cavities. These are all names for the same dental problem, which is also one of the most common ones we see at our office. If you have received a dental filling before, then you may wonder how the decay grows in your smile. Your mouth contains hundreds of bacteria which are used to maintain your health.... read more »

5 Things You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening

If you have discolored teeth marring the appearance of your smile, then you may want to visit our office for a teeth whitening procedure. Dr. Raymond del Castillo can brighten your tooth color, making your smile look healthier and more beautiful. However, before undergoing this service, there are some things you may want to know beforehand. There are several whitening options available.... read more »

Teeth Sensitivity: What Causes It?

Do you ever experience sensitivity or pain when you bite into something too hot or too cold? Are you ever hesitant to talk or smile because you worry about exposing your teeth to the cold? Did you know that regardless of how long you’ve dealt with tooth sensitivity, there may be something you can do to alleviate your discomfort? But... read more »

Black Triangles: Before and After

As time goes on, people often have recession of the gums, especially in the front teeth. This can come from genetics, gum disease, surgery, or just the aging process. It often results in dark triangular gaps between the front teeth, and are especially visible when people smile. We call these unsightly areas "black triangles". People feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when... read more »

The Importance of Flossing to Help Prevent Gum Disease

Gum Disease, also known as gingivitis, periodontal disease or periodontitis, is an inflammation of the gum tissue that is caused by the excess buildup of bacteria, plaque and tartar. If left untreated, this can have a serious negative impact on the health of your gums as well as the bones that anchor your teeth to your jaw. There is also... read more »

Preventing Dental Disasters

Preventative dental care is extremely important if you wish to maintain a strong and healthy smile. Achieving a healthy dental care habit can prevent a tremendous amount of dental problems in the future. Here are some daily tips you can use to keep your smile clean and healthy, no matter what sugar holiday is spiraling your way: 1.Brushing your teeth... read more »

4 Tips on Keeping a Clean and Healthy Smile

Oral hygiene is the most important thing you can do for your smile. In fact, oral hygiene is vital if you want a strong, successful, and healthy oral cavity. So, to help you achieve your smile goals and give you the best chance at obtaining a pristine oral health, we strongly recommend including the following four steps in your teeth... read more »

How to Fix Darkened Teeth

Did you know that eating some foods (like chocolate and berries) could darken your teeth? Or that smoking or drinking coffee could stain your teeth? Did you know that even something as innocent and unavoidable as aging can steal some of your smile’s luster? Fortunately, teeth whitening is available to counteract these problems. But, what do you do if you... read more »

Are You Ready to Start Your New Dental Journey